Jim Jordan explains why many conservatives will NOT vote for new spending bill – [VIDEO]

Freedom Caucus member Jim Jordan was on with CNN this morning to discuss the new continuing resolution that funds the government until October, and he’s not happy with it. And he’s not happy because Republicans are caving on everything they said they’d fight for last fall:

In this trillion dollar bipartisan compromise that Democrats are hailing, Jordan explains that there is no funding for the border wall, no cuts to sanctuary cities and no cuts to planned parenthood.

Jordan wants to know why Republicans voted for a short term continuing resolution during the election last fall if they weren’t going to fight for what they ran on this year. That was the very reason the put it off until they had won the election, and now they are just caving under the threat of a government shutdown.

Jordan doesn’t expect many Republicans to vote for this bill.

Watch the clip for more…

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