Joe Biden gets destroyed after posting video to remind you how expensive everything is for Super Bowl

Our liar-in-chief has just posted a video to remind you just how expensive everything has gotten for your Super Bowl party and, of course, he blames the companies manufacturing these products.

While you were Super Bowl shopping, did you notice smaller-than-usual products where the price stays the same?

Folks are calling it Shrinkflation and it means companies are giving you less for every dollar you spend.

I’m calling on the big consumer brands to put a stop to it.

As you can imagine, the responses didn’t go his way because we all know that his policies are the reason why everything has gotten so expensive:

Don’t let President Biden gaslight you. ‘Shrinkflation’ is not the problem, Bidenomics is.

Businesses are trying to stay competitive in the market by limiting how much they raise prices to offset the cost increases they’ve encountered thanks to Biden’s economic policy decisions.

As @RealEJAntoni explains:

As of December 2023, “the producer price index [which is] used to measure inflation on the products and services businesses buy — sometimes called wholesale inflation — [has] risen 17.5% since Biden took office. Conversely, the consumer price index, the widely cited metric for inflation faced by American families, is up 17.1% over that same time.

Businesses have actually been sheltering consumers from some cost increases in an effort to maintain market share and not lose customers. That also explains why, according to the Biden administration’s Census Bureau, total corporate profits have fallen for the last six quarters after adjusting for inflation.”

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