Joe Biden says he’d pick Michelle Obama as his VP in a heartbeat, but the feeling isn’t mutual…

Joe Biden suggested recently that he’d love to have Michelle Obama as his VP, that he’d pick her in a heartbeat. But Michelle Obama is pouring cold water on that idea:

THE HILL – Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden has committed to choosing a woman as his running mate. But an Obama family confidante on Tuesday said there’s “no chance” that woman will be Michelle Obama.

Valerie Jarrett, a former Obama White House senior adviser, took a hatchet to the recent speculation that the former first lady would consider joining the Democratic ticket with Biden, who served as her husband’s vice president.

“The reason why I’m being so unequivocal is that there just simply has never been a time when she’s expressed an interest in running for office,” Jarrett said in an interview with The Hill. “She’s not demurring here. She’s not being hard to get. She doesn’t want the job.”

“She doesn’t want the job”. Yeah, who can blame her, as her reputation would be ruined when Biden starts calling her Barack.

It continues…

The former first lady’s name has recently been floated as a politically savvy vice presidential option. Biden further fueled that theory recently when asked if he would consider choosing Obama, who, according to Gallup, was America’s most admired woman the past two years.

“I’d take her in a heartbeat,” Biden told Pittsburgh’s KDKA on Monday. “She’s brilliant. She knows the way around. She is a really fine woman. The Obamas are great friends.”

But Jarrett said that’s wishful thinking — and Biden himself said he didn’t believe Obama would accept the role if offered.

“Of course he would take her. That’s not the question,” Jarrett said. “The question is, is this the way in which she wants to continue her life of service?”

Michelle Obama would be a fantastic VP pick for Biden. Her effect on his campaign would be similar to the effect Sarah Palin had on John McCain’s campaign, adding tons of energy and excitement – at least from the left’s perspective. But as you can see, that’s never going to happen. And I can guarantee you her actual response to Biden saying this was more like a “oh HELL naw!”, but she can’t say that since her husband just endorsed the man. So they send out Valerie Jarrett to do it diplomatically.

The Hill notes that Biden’s shortlist for VP likely includes “Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) and Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) as well as Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D)”. Boring, boring, boring, and more boring. And none of these far-left socialist candidates offer Biden anything for the general. Imma tell ya, he’s really got his work cut out for him.

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