Joe Biden tells BIZARRE story about staring down razor-wielding gangsta named ‘CORN POP’!

OK listen. I know we all just scan articles for the content and often miss the details. You need to not do that here. You need to calm your attention deficit disorder, sit down, maybe make some coffee, and enjoy this bizarre video of crazy creepy uncle Joe Biden.

Those black kids behind him are totally confused. What a great video. It’s so insane that I don’t even know what part of it is the most unlikely and irrational.

But that’s OK because there are some quality takes on this from social media that will do the job for me. Whatever you might say about the deleterious effects of social media on the polis, at least it’s an ethos. What? Anyway, read’em:

BUT NONE BEATS THIS ONE from a writer at The Root, a liberal black publication:

It’s long, so here’s screenshots:

Wow. And that’s from the left!! LOL!! Biden has got some problems.

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