John Bolton has leveled some of his harshest criticism yet at this administration:
Look, the administration made up its mind what the reality was whether it was engaged in a cover up, whether it was ideology that dominated the view, whether it was incompetence – at this point we don’t know the answer to that but we know one thing unmistakably.
They were flatly wrong. They got it wrong before the attack. They got it wrong after the attack. They’re getting it wrong now.
So we can psychoanalyze them all we want but this is a demonstration [that] these people cannot be left in the same room with our national security.
Bolton goes on to say that he wishes for the sake of the country that this were just a cover up because that would at least indicate that this administration understood reality. But he believes it is far worse, that this is a problem of ideology that stems directly from the president.
In fact Bolton believes everything with respect to blaming the video came directly from the president. He says that people can criticize Susan Rice all they want for blaming the video, as some Republicans have, but it’s not her fault. He says that it’s the president’s fault and calls it the “blame America first” mentality.
He describes what he means by ideology by framing the president’s view on Libya like this:
The war on terror is over, Al Qaeda has been defeated, sweetness and light has broken out in Libya – that’s what he thinks!