Kayleigh McEnany says Trump meant 2nd Amendment amicus briefs, Tara Setmayer destroys her

I’m really beginning to feel sorry for Kayleigh McEnany – she has to go out there and humiliate herself by making the stupidest defenses of the latest dumb thing that Trump said. It’s getting rather embarrassing.

IN this clip the poor girl is made to say that when Trump alluded to Hillary being assassinated by 2nd Amendment folk, that he really meant filing amicus briefs with the Supreme Court. Yeah.

Watch the TrumpTrainWreck here:

Luckily, “Never Trump” advocate Tara Setmayer is there to slap her around about it. Unfortunately, even though Tara slaps her hard enough (with reasoned rhetoric) to wake up most cult members, Kayleigh has shown incredible tenacity and aptitude for publicly degrading herself for the sake of Donald Trump. Sad!!!

I am embarrassed that we all have to sit here and watch this poor girl disgrace herself in service to a dim-witted authoritarian tool. but that’s where we’re at. Might as well grab some popcorn.

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