Krauthammer Appears On PBS, Touts Fox

On Friday, Charles Krauthammer appeared on PBS’ Inside Washington and, in response to a “conservative cannibalism” question, forcefully responds, touting Fox News.

From Newsbusters:

GORDON PETERSON, HOST: We can tell you what they said. They said they don’t like it. The Tea Partiers don’t like it, the Heritage Action doesn’t like it. Erick Erickson of Red State accused the deal’s co-architect Paul Ryan of outright capitulation. Ryan’s response was this: Look, you want to get things done, you have to be willing to be criticized by everybody. Republicans don’t run everything. You have to find a way to work with the other side of the aisle to make the government work. Apparently there are people in Washington who find that kind of reasoning toxic, Charles.

CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: Let me start with an editorial note: I love how you guys just can’t wait to get your teeth into Republicans throwing mud at Republicans on a week when this administration – by the way, the viewers, you’re not going to hear a word about a week in which the secretary of HHS unilaterally, lawlessly changed every deadline in the ObamaCare law without any legal authority, in a way that is absolutely astonishing – but you won’t hear about this on this show, so try Fox.

The best part? As Krauthammer is bashing PBS for not talking about Obama administration screw-ups, the host, Gordon Peterson, laughingly exclaims “We just did!” With no apparent sense of shame he jokes that the viewers are hearing about those things on PBS as they speak, seemingly unaware of the absurdity that it takes a guest from another network in order for that reporting to make it on air.

Your tax dollars at work, folks.

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