Leaked audio reveals John Kerry shared Israeli secrets with Iranian foreign minister; Kerry denies everything but who’s gonna believe him?

Today it was revealed, via a leaded interview of Iran’s foreign minister Javad Zarif, that John Kerry had outed covert Israeli attacks on Iranian bases in Syria back when he was working for Obama:

FOX NEWS – Iranian foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif claimed in recently leaked audio that John Kerry, when he was serving as Secretary of State during the Obama administration, informed him of more than 200 Israeli operations in Syria.

Kerry has previously been accused of colluding with Iranian leaders to undermine the Trump administration. Kerry is now a part of the Biden administration and has a seat on the National Security Council as the special presidential envoy for climate.

Kerry shocked Zarif by revealing that Israel had attacked Iranian targets in Syria more than 200 times, according to leaked audio obtained by The New York Times and other outlets.

Zarif also spoke frankly about his limited power compared to Ayatollah Ali Khameini and the blow the U.S. dealt to Iran by killing Gen. Qassem Soleimani in January 2020.

Here’s the quote from the NY Times:

Former Secretary of State John Kerry informed him that Israel had attacked Iranian interests in Syria at least 200 times, to his astonishment, Mr. Zarif said.

Zarif said he was astonished. But John Kerry took to Twitter today to deny everything:

Nobody believes him as far as I can tell. And why should they? Also, why should Kerry get the benefit of the doubt when Trump never did?

Meanwhile, several Republicans are calling for Kerry to resign if this turns out to be true:

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