Liberal boycott against In-N-Out CRUSHED by hamburger goodness

I don’t know what this idiot was thinking when he called for a boycott of In-N-Out, because in California, those hamburgers are practically a religion. That even California, one of the most liberal states in the union, would choose delicious burgers over their liberalism says a lot.

It started when the chairman of the California Democrat party called for a boycott:

What was their sin? They give $25k to the Republicans.

After the idiot called for a boycott, the Democrats actually distanced themselves from the call because it just wasn’t going anywhere:

After Bauman’s tweet went viral and made national news, Bauman referred questions to the party’s communications director, John Vigna, who responded that the Bauman’s tweet was “just his personal view,” and that the official California Democratic Party was not involved.

“We’re not happy that In-N-Out gave the money, but we’re not calling for an official boycott,” Vigna said. “Democrats are very fired up. Chair (Bauman) is definitely giving voice to a feeling a lot of people have right now.”

It’s easy to tweet. It’s harder to give up delicious hamburgers.

I’m seeing rumors that In-N-Out posted “record sales,” but I’m not finding evidence of it except from right-wing grifters selling fairy tales for clicks. So I’m not reporting that until I know it’s true.

But it did an excuse for conservatives and others on the right to express their disdain for liberalism and love of delicious hamburgers:

Good job idiots. Y’all starve on your liberalism, as for me and my house, we shall live on In-N-Out burgers.

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