Liberals are MELTING DOWN over what Rick Santorum said about guns…

Rick Santorum went and triggered every single liberal in all the liberal-land, and their little liberal fists are balled up in anger as their little liberal tears stream down their little liberal faces in outrage.

Here’s what he said:

How dare you tell kids to do things individually on their own instead of begging the government to take care of them!! You’re an evil man, Rick Santorum!!!

But since the most horrific thing a liberal can conceive of is taking personal responsibility, their little unused brains are imploding at the very thought.

A nonsensical tweet for nonsensical idiots:

Similarly absurd:

So then why does anyone learn CPR if it’s apparently pointless?

But these idiots want to ban those too, so that point is rather immaterial, isn’t it?

Not exactly what he said, but liberals will believe any stupid thing about Santorum.

No, his point is a very simple one, but they’re purposely ignoring it. If the parents and kids and school officials and police were more proactive about Nikolas Cruz, they could have prevented the massacre. Simple as that. I can’t even remember how many times the government dropped the ball when this douchebag was giving them clear and loud flags that something bad was going to happen. Nearly everyone ignored it. But we’re supposed to let teens tell us to put MORE of our safety in the hands of law enforcement? No thanks, kids, thanks for your tips on government policy you know next to nothing about.

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