Liberals at ‘March for Truth’ rallies protest lack of evidence for Russian collusion

Liberals are marching angrily that there is no evidence to support their conspiracy theory that Trump colluded with a country they swore wasn’t our enemy 5 years ago. Because they’re the part of “science” you see.

Notice how he has to make the pins HUGE ON THE MAP to make it look like the ENTIRE COUNTRY is engulfed in protest?!?! But he admits it’s just “thousands” LOL!

She’ll trash the flag after she’s done protesting with it.

Uh, is there like ONE person protesting in Rhode Island?

These are just wannabe-hippies trying to revive the 60s.

You can tell when white liberals protest, because their chants are totally unoriginal and they can barely keep the rhythm going:

I’m sure these idiots have divested their lives of everything derived from petroleum, right? LOL!!

Oh well the morons are going to march all day and then leave mounds of trash in their wake like insipid destructive hordes of locusts.

Now this doesn’t mean that the collusion didn’t happen – but even Trump detractors have to admit that the evidence at this time is all circumstantial. Let the investigations get somewhere before you start screeching impeachment or you just undermine your own cause…

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