LOL! Satanists are SUING NETFLIX because a show portrays them as EVIL!!

I don’t even know what to say about this one. The Satanist Temple is suing Sabrina the Witch, a series on Netflix, because it portrays their statue as evil.

Watch below:

From one of their leaders:

Uhhhh.. you’re Satanists.

This is like Nazis being upset that they’re portrayed as bad guys.

Now look, I understand that they mean something different than literal Satan-worship, they actually say they’re atheists and believe in absolute moral license, BUT if you don’t want to be associated with evil, then maybe don’t call yourselves after the very embodiment of evil. This organization is based on a big “eff you” to Christianity and what we believe in, but then get all snowflakey when we associate them with evil because they call themselves satanists. It’s all just very stupid.

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