Mark Levin cuts through the propaganda on ‘sleazeball’ Michael Cohen’s guilty pleas and Trump; ALSO interview with former FEC Chair

Tonight Mark Levin cut through all of the Cohen guilty plea propaganda and explained why, from a legal perspective, Cohen’s guilty plea will have no impact on Trump and why the charges against Cohen regarding the ‘hush money’ payoffs aren’t really FEC violations.

Here’s a little of what he said (via CR):

“In my opinion, everything that’s being said about the Cohen case is wrong. And remember who Cohen’s lawyer is: Lanny Davis, who hates Trump, who is a Hillary consigliere,” he added. “And this guy Michael Cohen is a sleazeball.”

“This is a guilty plea. It’s not an adjudication,” Levin explained. “Prosecutors and Cohen cut a deal. It’s a plea bargain. It’s not a precedent. … They obviously had more on Michael Cohen, or Michael Cohen wouldn’t have cut a deal.”

“Let’s say a candidate says, ‘Get a nondisclosure agreement, pay the funds out of my pocket, because I don’t want this person to attack me during the campaign for something that occurred before the campaign.’ That’s perfectly legal. That’s not a campaign expenditure.”

Listen to the full segment below:

[wpvideo kNxTrSsB w=755]

After that segment, Levin brought back former FEC Chairman Bradley Smith to help explain it.

You can listen to that interview below:

[wpvideo 4GCXPywJ w=755]

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