Today it was made known that the TSA argues they can search your vehicle at the airport, specifically in valet parking, without any specific information or without a warrant. They discussed this on The Five and to his great regret, Mark Levin says, Greg Gutfeld, who he thought was a libertarian, sided with the TSA as he has sided with government overreach in the past with respect to the NSA collecting phone records. With respect, he said Gutfeld is dead wrong and proceeded to explain why.
He also hits Dana Perino for making what he calls a ‘left-wing knee-jerk response’ when she said something to the effect of ‘these TSA people work very hard and we shouldn’t treat them this way’. Levin said that’s absurd because it is not the TSA employees we have a complaint with, but the policies they are implementing.
The interesting thing is the two he said were exactly right, one being Eric Bolling and the other being…….Bob Beckel. He said Bob Beckel made a strong 4th amendment argument and ‘brother Bolling’ nailed it as well.
If you are already familiar with the TSA story itself, you can skip to 3:15 for his remarks on the commentary from The Five.
Listen to the full segment below: