Mark Levin hammers Biden, says he’s “provoking attacks” against American troops…

Mark Levin hammered the weak man who sits in the Oval Office a few minutes ago, accusing him of provoking attacks against American troops in Syria and Iraq.

Levin says he refuses to do anything meaningful to stop the attacks, which number nearly 50 at this point:

Our soldiers have been attacked nearly 50 times in the last month by the Iranian Nazi regime and its Islamist surrogates and Biden refuses to do anything serious about it! Our enemies in the Middle East see it. Our enemies all over the world see it.

Biden is actually provoking attacks against our forces and our allies with his failure to defend our men and women in uniform. Israel is watching too, and the message she hears is do not commit suicide by acceding to Biden’s insane demands for appeasement. Meanwhile, Biden will be meeting with Commie Xi in California soon, where Biden will further kowtow to that genocidal regime.

Biden’s weakness at using military force to defend our troops is astounding. He’s dripping with blood from the troops we lost in Afghanistan and if any die in Syria and Iraq from these attacks, those will be on his hands too.

If all we are bombing is warehouses and empty buildings, that’s surely what will happen and it will be appalling.

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