Mark Levin has found a way to support…AMNESTY

Mark Levin played a clip of Luis Gutierrez saying this today:

BREITBART – Gutiérrez said, “We can continue to to fight at every level—the judicial level, the executive level. Yes, we may not have opportunities at the legislative level, but what Raúl and I will continue to make sure this administration keeps its word to the four million people it said it was going to offer an opportunity. Yes, the court may stop them from giving them a work permit, but the only one who can deport somebody is the executive branch of government. There isn’t a court that can oblige this administration to do it and there isn’t a Republican party. So far so good.”

“There will be lawyers, activists—we want informed people,” he added. “They’re learning how to protect themselves. But what’s going to be real essential tomorrow is, Raúl is on the front line in Tucson along the border. There are a lot of border patrol agents and they need to get an education that the president’s executive orders mean prioritized criminals, not children, not the destruction of families, and they need to know that and we need to prepare people to protect themselves.”

After playing the clip, Levin put forth a new proposal in which he agrees with Gutierrez and supports amnesty…sorta.


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