Mark Levin opened his show talking about the Cochran/McDaniel election last night, saying that after what happened in this race he wouldn’t vote for Thad Cochran because he’d be betraying himself to do so:
If I lived in Mississippi, I would not vote for Thad Cochran, because Thad Cochran has besmirched me.
Thad Cochran has told Democrats, minorities, liberals, anybody who would listen that I’m a racist and that I want to stop black people from voting.
People assigned to him, people associated with him — Cochran hasn’t denounced any of this. Mitch McConnell hasn’t denounced any of this. John McCain hasn’t denounced any of this. Haley Barbour hasn’t denounced any of this.
They’re having a party! They won!
They won, and why? They’re so desperate to keep a constitutional conservative out of the Senate? They’re so desperate to protect a man in the early stages of dementia, because he’ll vote the way they want him to vote, because they can control him?
And that’s what we’ve become? That’s what the party of Lincoln has become? The party of Abraham Lincoln has become the party of race-baiting and food stamps? The party of Ronald Reagan has become the party of race-baiting and food stamps?
This is what happens when you have no principles. This is what happens when you’ve lost your moorings.
Reagan appealed to conservative Democrats on a cultural level. He appealed to their highest aspirations, not fear mongering, not race baiting, not by promoting big government programs.
No, there’s no way Thad Cochran would get my vote. I’d be betraying myself.
Listen to Mark’s full opening segment below: