Mark Levin says the “Constitution and rule of law are being eviscerated right before our eyes” over this attack on Trump

Mark Levin posted this morning that the Constitution is being turned inside out and the “nation is unraveling” over an attack on Trump to keep him off the ballot in 2024.

The mastermind behind the movement to do this is Marc Elias, the Democrat lawyer who was behind Hillary Clinton’s Russia Collusion attack on Trump back in 2016. And how he’s at it again to try and convince states to kick Trump off the ballot over January 6th.

We posted on this movement recently and now it’s gaining steam, according to ABC News:

Efforts to keep former President Donald Trump off the 2024 ballot under the 14th Amendment are gaining momentum as election officials in key states are preparing for or starting to respond to legal challenges to Trump’s candidacy.

The argument to disqualify Trump from appearing on primary or general election ballots in 2024 boils down to Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution’s 14th Amendment, which states that an elected official is not eligible to assume public office if that person “engaged in insurrection or rebellion against” the United States, or had “given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof,” unless they are granted amnesty by a two-thirds vote of Congress.

Several advocacy groups have said that Trump’s actions on Jan. 6, 2021, fit that criteria — that he directly engaged in an insurrection. The legal theory has been pursued, unsuccessfully, against a few other elected Republicans; arguing their actions around Jan. 6 and support for overturning the 2020 election results amounted to the disqualifying behavior.

Now, threats of filings against Trump under this clause are gaining steam in a number of states, including New Hampshire and Arizona and in Michigan, a lawsuit to disqualify Trump was filed on Monday. Secretaries of state say they have started to take steps to prepare for the possibility of administering elections without the current GOP front-runner.

In an interview with ABC News, Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, a Democrat, said that she and other secretaries of state from Pennsylvania, Georgia, Nevada, New Hampshire and Maine started having conversations over a year ago about preparing for the legal challenges to Trump’s candidacy.

“I’m talking every day with colleagues about this, we’re all recognizing that our decisions that we make may in some cases be the first but won’t be the last and there may be multiple decision points throughout the course of the election cycle,” Benson said. “So, I think the public needs to be prepared for this to be an ongoing issue that is it has several resolution points and evolutions points throughout the cycle.”

Mark Levin posted a few minutes ago that the “Constitution and rule of law are being eviscerated right before our eyes”:

The Democrat Party and its media are literally destroying the country with help from NeverTrumpers in academia. The Constitution and rule of law are being eviscerated right before our eyes. There’s no way tens of millions of Americans will accept a Biden or Democrat victory of any kind in 2024. And these saboteurs not only intend to steal the presidency but the House and Senate too. From the indictments, corrupt Democrat prosecutors and judges, to turning the Constitution inside out, the nation is unraveling

But will this challenge to remove Trump’s candidacy from state ballots win in the courts? Legal scholars like Jonathan Turley and Alan Dershowitz have written about this recently and they say it won’t work.

I think that’s ultimately true, but activist judges will absolutely give this movement life in the courts and cause scandalous media coverage. At some point these activist rulings will be appealed to the Supreme Court and I feel sure they would nix it.

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