Mark Levin: Trump is NOT in any kind of legal jeopardy…

Last night on the Mark Levin Radio Show, the Great One expounded on all the Mueller/Cohen news that came out yesterday and assured his listeners that Trump isn’t in any kind of legal jeopardy:

Here’s more from CR:

“People keep saying, ‘What are the legal implications for Trump?’” Levin asked. “There are none. Zero. There’s no legal implication; there’s no legal jeopardy, period. Moreover, in all this so-called reporting and analysis by these phony experts, where did President Trump collude, coordinate, or conspire with the Russians during the election, to fix the result of the election? Where is this evidence? And since there’s not a scintilla of evidence, this should underscore the point that this entire investigation is bogus.”

“Shouldn’t [the media] be cheering over the fact that so far, all the leaks show that Trump did nothing? Shouldn’t they be celebrating that, that in our republic, the president that we chose is guilty of nothing? That he didn’t collaborate, he didn’t coordinate, he didn’t conspire with the Russians? But they’re not. They keep bringing in these phony experts, who are utterly predictable. ‘You know, uh, if I were Don Jr., I’d be worried about now’ — the country should be worried about now, about what’s taking place. The country should be worried,” Levin said.

Levin explained that there has there never been a “substantive, underlying crime” to expose and reiterated that the president is not in legal danger, despite the media’s assertions.

“How many more damn times do I have to explain that it is the position of the United States Department of Justice that you cannot indict a sitting president? He’s not in any kind of legal jeopardy.”

I honestly don’t expect the Mueller investigation to go on much longer. I think either the acting AG or the next AG will end up shutting the Mueller investigation down as it looks to have turned in to a political operation against Trump because it’s unable to prove any Russian collusion after a year and a half of investigations.

But because the Republicans lost the House, whoever ends up shutting it down will face myriad hearings and investigations from Democrats and the saga will continue.

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