McConnell says Immigration issue is ‘irresolvable’ in 2014

The House holding the line seems to be paying off for now:

Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said Tuesday that he does  not see any way the Democratic-controlled Senate and GOP-led House will agree on  immigration reform legislation this year.

McConnell’s  comments, which came after he met with the Senate GOP conference over lunch,  poured cold water over the growing buzz there could be an immigration deal this  year.

McConnell said a deal’s unlikely given what he called the “irresolvable”  differences between the Senate and House.

“I think we have sort of an irresolvable conflict here,” he told reporters.  “The Senate insists on comprehensive [legislation]. The House says it won’t go  to conference with the Senate on comprehensive and wants to look at [it] step by  step.

“I don’t see how you get to an outcome this year with the two bodies in such  a different place,” he said.

Senate Democrats say immigration legislation must include all the major  components of reform, tying a path to citizenship for an estimated 11 million  immigrants with border security and worker visa provisions.

Um, why is Border Security, which is already exiting law and should be the interest of all elected officials, tied to granting Democrats millions of new voters?

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