Mnuchin WON’T SAY if Trump agreed with Putin’s denials of meddling…

This spin from the White House will work on anyone who’s had a frontal lobotomy or has sustained massive massive brain damage.

Watch below:


First he tries the classic Trumpy deflection – “what we should REALLY be focusing on is [something that isn’t as damaging to the administration]!!!!” Then he just says that it’s more “strategic” to not say what he said to Putin?! Huh?! We’re not asking for all the super top secret info he spilled to the guy, we just wanna know if he believes his denials or not!!

How is this “strategic”?! Putin already knows what Trump told him!! Who are they using their “strategy” against if Putin already knows what they’re hiding?! Hmmm…

I guess this isn’t the craziest crap they’ve come up with and a majority of Republicans swallowed all of that too…

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