MORE VIDEO from CNN’s Muslim protest HOAX!!!

Right-wing media has been pushing a video as if it’s proof that the moon landing was faked. It shows a CNN crew supposedly manufacturing a FAKE NEWS HOAX IN ALL CAPS OMG KILL THEM WITH FIRE!!!

And now there’s a new video that proves absolutely 100% it’s a FAKE NEWS HOAX:

Wow. That’s boring as hell. I have no idea what that video is supposed to prove. I’m not sure how well orchestrated this hoax was if the CNN crew didn’t give a damn that anyone was recording their nefarious evil plan.

Here’s the original video:

Alt-right morons are pushing this around as if they cracked the secret code that will take down CNN forever. And they’ve ensnared some well-meaning conservatives into pushing it too. What does it really show? It shows cops letting people through a barricade so they can protest in front of cameras. That’s about it.

Oh boy.

Look, I dislike the media too. I think they’re biased and they’re left-wing. But I don’t feel the need to lose my honesty or integrity to lie about them to destroy them. How are we any better if we’re going to lie for our agenda to smear people who are lying for their agenda? But then I’m in a minority here.

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