Morning Joe: Trump was taken out of context on his PTSD comments

Both Morning Joe and Morning Mika agree that the media (and Joe Biden) took Trump way out of context yesterday when they characterized him as saying that only weak soldiers get PTSD.


I couldn’t agree more. Trump is generally inarticulate and that does lead to misinterpretations sometimes. But Trump didn’t say what he was accused of saying yesterday.

When I heard about it yesterday and then actually listened to the clip myself, it was clear to me he was only paying those in the audience a compliment. He was not making an intention negative comparison like he did with John McCain.

Even Megyn Kelly and Guy Benson hit the media for last night for taking Trump out of context on this and turning it into a fake controversy:

This is exactly what I mean by media bias. They aren’t just attacking him and leaving Hillary alone, they are also twisting his words to create fake controversies.

I know it’s the worst election ever, but this stuff should be called out.

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