MSNBC’s Schultz: ‘SO WHAT’ If Putin Has The Upper Hand?

On MSNBC’s The Ed Show today, the bellicose host was throwing down a monologue about how President Obama’s handling of the Ukraine situation is “exactly right” and added this:

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“America does not want or need another war. And Putin knows that at this point. So what if he has the upper hand? We’re not committed yet!”

Putin has the upper hand? Who cares? He’s got Obama over a barrel? Big woop. Who gives a doodle? So Russia is now eyeing other former Soviet republics hungrily? Whoop dee doo. Who gives a bibble?

To lay the foundation for this stunning insight, Ed lead in to the segment by running a clip of Joe Biden talking about the subject as an example of the administration’s wisdom and perspicacity. Yep.

The blind leading the pork rind? So what? Ho hum. Whoopie ding-dong doo.

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