MSNBC’s Tiffany Cross says opposing “spike” in murder rate is “bullhorn racism” and “fearmongering”

America’s Democrat-run cities are hellholes of violence, murder, unchecked crime, fear, riots, and street poop. That’s the direct result of Democrat governance every time.

But if you oppose those things, they you’re a racist of course. So says the most racist host at MSNBC (and that’s saying something) Tiffany Cross.

And she calls it fearmongering. The same lady on the same network shilling for the same party that claims democracy will LITERALLY end if they lose the midterms, and then the WORLD will literally end. She’s calling the GOP opposing crime fearmongering!

“Quite honestly there has been a spike in homicides. That has nothing to do with Democratic polices of course.”

Ha ha ha I mean are you kidding me right now???

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