NOT GOOD: Trump just said he ABSOLUTELY wants to change Republican platform on ABORTION

Donald Trump is really taking a more liberal approach to things this morning in his town hall with NBC. He was asked about a provision of the Republican platform on abortion which states the right of the unborn child shall not be infringed. Trump was asked specifically if he wanted to change this platform to make exceptions for rape, incest, and the life of the mother.

Trump said ‘absolutely’:

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So transgender people can use whatever bathroom they want and now the Republican platform should be changed to say abortion is ok in the cases of rape, incest, and the life of the mother.

Look, we obviously have a myriad of positions on abortion in the Republican Party and I get that. My preferred positions are that of Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio who make the case that the unborn child is alive and, despite the circumstances out of which it was conceived, it should still be protected.

Now Trump wants to liberalize the actual platform itself to make the positions of Cruz and Rubio extreme.

What a puke!

The Republican Party states the highest moral position on protecting the unborn. Of course there are some who disagree with it, but we shouldn’t change that just because Trumpertantrum disagrees with it!

Ugh. I hope all you people who voted for Trump are okay with his new liberal positions. We tried to warn you:

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