NOT GOOD: New docs reveal trans terrorist Audrey Hale expressed fantasies of school shooting and hospital didn’t report it

New documents obtained by the Tennessee Star reveal that the trans terrorist, Audrey Hale, had expressed fantasies of a school shooting to the staff at Vanderbilt University Medical Center and they failed to notify anyone.

Here’s the news:

The Tennessee Star retrieved metadata from the Microsoft Word document titled “Vandy Psych,” which contains notes summarizing 75 pages of documents retrieved from Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) following a June 1, 2023 search warrant for materials related to its treatment of Covenant School killer Audrey Elizabeth Hale.

The Star reported it obtained the document from a source familiar with the Covenant investigation on Wednesday, when its contents were published alongside the revelation a source claimed Metro Nashville Police Department (MNPD) Chief John Drake acknowledged VUMC failed its duty to warn Hale’s intended victims after she expressed fantasies of killing her father and enacting a school shooting.

Legally obtained by The Star, metadata associated with the document names a MNPD investigator as the author and June 2023 as the period when the document was written.

In the notes, the MNPD investigator claims Hale expressed suicidal ideation and homicidal ideation to VUMC staff, including, “Thoughts of killing Dad in and struggles with mental health. Recent thoughts of going into a school and shooting a bunch of people.”

The fact that VUMC failed to notify authorities on this is disturbing, to say the least. I don’t know the laws in Tennessee but it sounds like from what the Chief acknowledged that they had a duty to report this.

In related news, equally disturbing is that the father of a teenage daughter contacted the Tennessee Star to reveal his strong feeling that VUMC is behind the indoctrination of his daughter into the trans lifestyle.

This father contacted them because of their investigation into Audrey Hale:

The distraught father of a teenage daughter contacted The Tennessee Star on Thursday and expressed his concern about the treatment his daughter has been receiving at Vanderbilt Psychiatric Hospital, part of Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC).

“I am writing to you as a result of your investigation regarding Audrey Hale and the reprehensible ‘care’ she received at Vanderbilt [Psychiatric Hospital], ” the father told The Star.

The father explained that he and his daughter’s mother are divorced and the the mother has custody of the daughter.

He wrote that his daughter, still a minor teenager, “was briefly admitted to Vanderbilt Psychiatric Hospital in late 2020 and again in 2021.”

The father continued, “During her time at the Psychiatric Hospital, my daughter began mentioning a trans lifestyle and adopted a male name.”

The distraught father of the teenage girl told The Star, “I have reason but no concrete proof to believe that the Psychiatric Hospital played a role in molding and shaping her into wanting to live a trans lifestyle.”

“Knowing what I now know, I also believe that the same people who treated Audrey Hale have treated and may well be presently treating my daughter,” the father told The Star.

He continued, “This begs the question – is Vanderbilt’s Psychiatric Hospital an incubator for creating psychologically compromised trans youth who are then referred for transition surgery at the main hospital?”

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