Obama BLAMED Hillary for running a ‘SOULLESS’ campaign in 2016 LOSS to Trump!

A new book claims that Obama was really stung by the Trump victory, and that he blamed Hillary for the crummy campaign she ran.

And you KNOW I’m enjoying this!!

Baker wrote that Obama directed much blame at his former secretary of State, who the former president thought ran a “soulless” campaign.

“No one forced her to take hundreds of thousands of dollars from Goldman Sachs and other pillars of Wall Street for speeches,” Baker writes, according to the Mail. “No one forced her to run a scripted, soulless campaign that tested eighty-five slogans before coming up with ‘Stronger Together.’ “

Wow. That’s not too surprising given that this is what many on the left have said about her, but I wonder if there’s something of a racial aspect to his comments – not enough “soul” in her campaign. In any case, he was really bitter about Trump’s victory:

“Obama may not have been on the ballot, but it was hard not to see the vote as a ‘personal insult,’ as he had called it on the campaign trail,” Baker writes, according to Fox News.

“This stings,” Obama said after the election, according to Baker. “This hurts.”

Struggling with the results of the election, Obama found himself thinking that the American people “simply could not have decided to replace him with a buffoonish showman whose calling cards had been repeated bankruptcies, serial marriages and racist dog whistles,” Baker continued.

“I’ve got the economy set up well for him. No facts. No consequences. They can just have a cartoon,” he told one aide after the election, according to the book.

And that is only fair, given it meant the complete unraveling of his legacy in the same way he unraveled much of Dubya’s legacy. What is good for the goose is good for the kettle. Or something.

It’s especially funny since Hillary is out there whining that Putin won the election for Trump. Apparently Obama doesn’t concur…

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