‘Obama won’ – Rand Paul explains why he voted FOR Hagel nomination

Rand Paul pulled a Lindsey Graham and basically said he voted for Hagel to be SecDef because Obama won. Seriously:

BUZZFEED – Kentucky Senator Rand Paul said his support for a filibuster against Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel never meant that he would vote against Hagel’s confirmation.

“I voted no because I wanted more information and I think that part of what the Senate does is try to get information about the nominees,” Paul told reporters in the basement of the Capitol after Hagel’s confirmation Tuesday. “I’ve said all along that I give the president some prerogative in choosing his political appointees.”

“There are many things I disagree with Chuck Hagel on, there are many things I disagree with John Kerry on, there are very few things I agree with the president on, but the president gets to choose political appointees,” Paul said.

Asked if he ever got the information he wanted about Hagel, Paul said that he hadn’t.


You can’t tell me that a man of principle is all of a sudden going to abandon those principles because “the president gets to choose political appointees”. That just doesn’t make sense.

This doesn’t bode well for Mr. Paul at all. I think he voted on his principles this time to be frank and after his last foreign policy speech, there’s just no way I could ever elect him to higher office.

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