Obama’s SUPER SPREADER party is underway, GLITZY unmasked guests arriving by PRIVATE JET include Kerry, Spielberg and MORE

Barack Obama is having some friends over for a private birthday party, NBD. Except it’s at his palatial estate and mansion and they had to erect enormous tents to accommodate the enormous number of wealthy and powerful guests who are partying sans masks after arriving on private jets.

So much for Covid worries, climate woes, and setting a good example, right? Not to mention SHARING THE WEALTH. Aren’t those all things Obama used to talk about?

The media used to talk about him, too, but when it comes to his party you basically have to look at overseas publications because whichever members of our press who weren’t invited to the party as guests sure ain’t covering it.

This guy tried to explain to fellow libs that the news is what it is, but he missed two facts: the libs don’t care, and this is British because American press are sucking their thumbs and keeping quiet about it.

See, the reason they are doing this is so you know they are the ruling class and you are the peasants.

Tom Cotton took John Kerry to school over it anyway.

Spielberg also arrived by private jet. John Legend. PELOSI is there too. Bet she didn’t take the train.

I may add more tweets to this. It’s crazy.

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