Ocasio-Cortez tells audience the government should GUARANTEE everything a person needs

Ocasio-Cortez is out there again showing what a complete moron and extremist she is. She tells this audience that her goal is complete “guaranteed universality” of all of the needs that people have.

She lists them off, saying that they want a $15 minimum wage, at the least, housing as a right, and guaranteed healthcare, and then adds, “for the things we depend on to live, a public option, if not, guaranteed universality.”

Incredible. Does she not realize that the more government pays for, the more they control? I guess she does because she imagines that SHE is going to be the one to control everything, so it’ll be just fine. Mind you, this is from a jackass who got a degree in economics so that she could work as a barista.

Add also that the idiot says that progressive taxation might be “a component of that.” Huh? These morons act as if we don’t have a progressive tax structure RIGHT NOW. Clearly they want to force it to be even more “progressive,” but it’s insane how they pretend as if this is a new concept no one has trying to implement yet! LOL!

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