Ohio legislature fails to override Kasich’s veto of “heartbeat” bill, but here’s the GOOD NEWS…

Gov John Kasich vetoed Ohio’s ‘heartbeat’ bill which would have banned abortion once a fetal heartbeat is detected. And today the legislature failed by just one vote to override his veto:

SEATTLE PI– Statehouse Republicans in Ohio came up a single vote shy Thursday of reversing a same-party governor’s veto and imposing one of the most restrictive abortion laws in the country.

The outcome marked a victory for outgoing Republican Gov. John Kasich, a prospective 2020 presidential contender who has vetoed the so-called heartbeat bill twice in as many years. Kasich argued in a veto message last week that the law would be declared unconstitutional, but only after saddling the state with a costly court battle.

Kasich is such a despicable RINO. I’m so glad he got defeated in the 2016 primary. He has the backbone of a mushroom.

But there is some very good news on this issue:

Republican Senate President Larry Obhof dismissed the cheers that broke out in his chamber after senators voted 19-13 to override the so-called heartbeat bill veto, when 20 votes were needed. The bill would have prohibited the procedure at the first detectable heartbeat, as early as six weeks into pregnancy.

“I think that the celebration for some of the people in here will be short-lived,” Obhof told reporters. “We will have a supermajority that is pro-life in both chambers in the next General Assembly — we’re getting sworn in in less than two weeks, and we have a governor coming in who has said he would sign that bill.”

BOOM! Now that is something that we can celebrate over. Kick out the bad, bring in the new and let’s pass this bill. It’s the right thing to do to protect unborn children and abortion (aka murder) should be outlawed.

Once they pass the bill into law, it’ll be interesting to see if the left really wants to challenge it. After all, Kavanaugh is on the Supreme Court and while that’s no guarantee for passage, I’d hope he be enough of an originalist to realize that no Supreme Court ruling should ever be continually upheld that allows the savage murder of the innocent like Roe vs Wade.

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