Rand Paul SLAMS Democrats for giving Bill Clinton a pass on his ‘predatory behavior’

Ever since the Lewinsky scandal took place, Democrats succeeded to reduce the conversation that “it was just sex” but Senator Rand Paul begs to differ.

On Meet the Press today he argued that Media gave Bill Clinton “a pass for taking advantage of a twenty year old girl” in his office, which is “predatory behavior.” Paul argued this was “not just having an affair.” It is someone who “took advantage of a young girl” yet Democrats who associate with Bill have the Chutzpah to say Republicans have a War on Women?

Paul forgot to mention that Bill Clinton paid $850,000 to Paula Jones in exchange for dropping her sexual harassment claims, and Bill Clinton also admitted to having sexual relations with Jenifer Flowers. Democrats went after both those Women with a vengeance, but by not bringing it up, Paul likely gave Democrats an opening to say that Clinton’s personal behavior was “just” sex; “just” with Lewinsky; “just” consensual and it’s “just” not fair to bring it up again.

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