OWNED (LITERALLY): Oil & Gas industry absolutely thank-destroys VIRTUE-SIGNALING idiots at North Face. It. Is. Awesome.

I hate to use the word “owned” but it’s almost LITERALLY true here. This isn’t just a smackdown, it’s a fatality.

Back in December, outdoor clothing maker The North Face was called out publicly by a company in the oil industry after they refused an order for 400 jackets with their logo because, the company’s CEO said, “we were an oil-and-gas services company.”

“The irony in this statement is that your jackets are made from the oil and gas products the hardworking men and women of our industry produce,” Innovex CEO Adam Anderson said in his letter to North Face at the time.

And now the oil & gas industry is striking back in a new ad that is awesome and which I laughed about for like ten minutes. It stars Chris Wright, the CEO of Liberty Oilfield Services, who goes through a list of the ways that North Face is not just dependent on oil and gas products, but a HUGE part of the industry.

haaaaaaaaaaaaaa. NOT ONE.

Not ONE item that doesn’t use products of the oil & gas industry. And how do they ship them? Where do they get electricity? Every thing they sell is from the industry they won’t sell to!!

Forget logo, the product IS oil and gas. They basically … OWN them.

The full video from their site is about 3 1/2 minutes or so and it’s CRUSHING.

“Our customer relationship goes much further than simply supplying North Face with copious raw material. Their vast manufacturing, distribution, and retailing networks are also large consumers of gasoline, diesel, natural gas, propane, jet fuel, etc,” he says. “Perhaps they went the extra mile with those outdoor natural gas and propane fireplaces at headquarters, and the private jet terminal.”

I’m dying here. That’s how you do it folks.

We gotta just Keep. SMASHING. Virtue-Signaling. M O R O N S.

I know I used a lot of CAPS LOCK in this post but leave me alone I was EXCITED about it!

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