Bill Clinton trolls Trump with “bugging” tweet

Hey look the former president and current philanderer Bill Clinton’s got jokes!! Here he is mocking el Trumpo and his wiretapping claims: BREAKING: We just learned that the @ClintonCenter has been bugged. . . .

BREAKING: French Election RESULTS!

LE FRENCH ELECTIÓN L’GOES TO L’RUNAWWWF!! OK, I didn’t study French, sorry. The first round of the French election went as expected, with no candidate able to defeat Macron or Le Pen . . .

Jeff Sessions has BAD NEWS for ‘Dreamers’…

When asked about whether he’ll follow Trump’s statement that ‘Dreamers’ should rest easy, Jeff Sessions did not have good news for them. Watch below: Attorney General Jeff Sessions to @ThisWeekABC: “I believe . . .