MEDIA OUTRAGED as Trump BANS press from White House briefing!!

The media is freeeeaaaking out because Presidente Trumpo has banned the New York Times, CNN, L.A. Times, and Politico from a press gaggle. #BREAKING: CNN, other news organizations blocked from attending White . . .

WATCH: Tucker Carlson DESTROYS Democrat transgender activist

If I were this DNC advisor after this interview, I’d be absolutely embarrassed. He simply had no answers for what were very reasonable questions by Carlson on the issue of transgenderism and . . .

Trump RIPS the FBI for not finding LEAKERS

Trump took to Twitter this morning to rip his own FBI for not finding the leakers in his administration that are putting out classified information to the media: The FBI is totally . . .

Sean Hannity embarrasses himself by pushing fake news AGAIN

If it were possible for a moron like Sean Hannity to embarrass himself, he’s done it again by inexplicably pushing a false report by a known fake news website. Apparently he just couldn’t . . .

Former Obama lawyers form new group just to attack Trump

Yesterday we reported on how USA Today and other news websites are creating new ways for sources to leak on Trump. Today we find out that former Obama administration lawyers have formed . . .