BIBLE PROPHECY: Let’s talk about Gog and Magog

Gog and Magog is one of the most discussed scriptures within the realm of Bible Prophecy and I want to cover some basics on it with you. In Ezekiel 38-39, the battle . . .

Sunday Matinee: Hell Across the Border

Ted Shoebat has put together a movie exposing what he has dubbed ‘Hell Across The Border’. It explains what you’ve never heard from the media about what his really happening in Mexico . . .

Trump now doing what he MOCKED Marco Rubio for…

Hey do you all remember when Trump was calling everyone a “puppet” for accepting money from donors? Like this one: Sheldon Adelson is looking to give big dollars to Rubio because he . . .

Trump considering SARAH PALIN for VP!!!

According to Trump’s favorite child molester Ben Carson, the real estate scam artist is considering Sarah Palin for his Vice President pick. From the Hill: Ben Carson says in a new interview . . .


I found this written somewhere yesterday and I’m wondering, if I take the name out, who you think this is referring to: One fact is [NAME REDACTED] is a strong man and . . .