Pelosi and Schumer demand equal time after Trump address…

The networks who were waffling earlier have decided to air Trump’s address on the Humanitarian and National Security crisis on our Southern border.

Now Pelosi and Schumer are demanding equal time so they can explain why we don’t need a wall or something:

NY POST – Sen. Chuck Schumer and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi have requested equal air time to counter expected “malice and misinformation” in President Trump’s Tuesday night address to the nation.

The Democratic leaders in the House and Senate released a joint statement on Monday night that addressed the shutdown and ongoing border wall battle — adding that Trump’s speech would likely be misleading.

“The facts are clear: President Trump has the power to stop hurting the country by re-opening the government and ending the Trump Shutdown,” the statement read.

“Instead, he is still demanding that American taxpayers pay at least $5.7 billion for his wall, which can’t pass either chamber of Congress and of course Mexico is not paying for.”

After the networks agreed to air the address, Pelosi and Schumer demanded equal time.

“Now that the television networks have decided to air the President’s address, which if his past statements are any indication will be full of malice and misinformation, Democrats must immediately be given equal airtime,” their statement read.

They went on to call Trump border wall plan “wasteful and ineffective.”

I expect the networks will give the Democrats equal airtime. I also expect many people will tune out after Trump is done.


Consider this an open thread. Gotta go finish the game!

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