Photos of a fat and healthy Kim Jong Un are released, and Trump tweets about it…

OK. So. Hmmm. There’s bad news, and then there’s… news. Here’s the bad news: Kim Jong Un was photographed fat and happy today, meaning he is not dead, and he’s not in a vegetative state somewhere:

Too bad. North Korea is a giant concentration camp where the citizens are malnourished and brainwashed into thinking the crap they live in is a paradise. He sends entire families to toil in work camps where they are murdered by guards for speaking out against the evil regime.

Also Trump tweeted about it:

Oh. Yeahhh. I’m not defending that. You guys can go ahead and defend it in the comments. Enjoy.

Anyway… Kim Jong Un was likely chilling out in his massive sex dungeon where he and his favorite North Korean officials rape underage women:

If Kim Jong Un is holed up in his luxe seaside hideaway in the port city of Wonsan, he may have plenty of company — a harem of 2,000 sex slaves, a report said Friday.

The North Korean dictator resurrected his late grandfather’s “Pleasure Squad” of secret sex entertainers in 2015, The Sun reported.

And while the dictator’s location and the state of his health remain a mystery, some reports say he fled to a luxury resort in the port city located along the eastern side of the Korean Peninsula to avoid catching the coronavirus — and the UK paper speculates that he might have his harem with him.

“It’s within the walls of his ultra-protected palaces that his Pleasure Squad provides entertainment for high-ranking North Korean officials,” the paper reported.

“The 2,000-strong harem is said to be made to sing and dance for the nation’s elite — but also take part in bizarre sexual games and orgies.”

The rape victims can be as young as 13:

Kim is widely known for his love of booze and fine food — and the Pleasure Squad provides him with kinky carnal pleasures as well.

Some members are said to have been as young as 13 when they were taken out of school and forced into sex work.

Defectors from North Korea even say the girls have to undergo invasive medical examinations to prove they’re virgins before they can join.

This is happening right now in the world. Remember that next time you hashtag “never forget” in a social media post somewhere…

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