‘Pocahontas is now the FACE of your PARTY!’ – Trump to Democrats, Bernie hardest hit

CNN is getting its panties in a bunch because there’s a report that Trump told democrats to their faces that “Pocahontas is now the face of your party.” Which is, pretty funny really.

Watch below:

Trump is, of course, referring to how Mitch McConnell told her to sit down and shut up, and some are theorizing that he might have done it on purpose in order to give the lefty extremist a more prominent position in the Democratic party.

Here’s Bernie Sanders freaking out over it:

“He’s using incredibly insulting words” says the Bernster, while completely ignoring that there’s a lot of evidence pointing to the fact that Warren lied about her Native American heritage in order to get affirmative action goodies.

Let’s go ahead and call this your open thread, party people.

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