Politico reporter APOLOGIZES to Trump supporters for insulting remarks during Trump rally

A White House reporter is apologizing to Trump supporters for his caustic remarks last night after watching CNN Jim Acosta getting heckled by an angry crowd in the video Acosta posted.

Via Washington Times:

Politico reporter Marc Caputo apologized Wednesday morning for contributing to the “cycle of rage” after he mocked a video of Trump supporters on Twitter.

The video, posted by CNN’s Jim Acosta, showed attendees booing and screaming at the media during President Trump’s rally Tuesday night in Florida.

“Just a sample of the sad scene we faced at the Trump rally in Tampa,” the chief White House correspondent wrote.

In a now-deleted tweet, Mr. Caputo quipped, “If you put everyone’s mouths together in this video, you’d get a full set of teeth.”

That didn’t go over very well and even Meghan McCain called him out for it:

But that didn’t stop Caputo from defending his insulting tweet:


Caputo also tweeted:

He’s since deleted that tweet.

This morning, he’s had a sudden change of heart and is now apologizing:

It’s good he apologized but many will have trouble taking him seriously given how unapologetic he was when he was tweeting, instead believing that his Politico bosses made him apologize after he got ‘caught’. Which is probably true.

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