Pompous Jim Acosta criticizes Trump speech and steps in it big time…

After Trump’s press conference in the Rose Garden, where he spent close to an hour hammering Joe Biden, Jim Acosta had the audacity to say that Trump pulled a bait and switch and soiled the White House Rose Garden:

“Trump soiled the WH Rose Garden with that performance. Presidents do not use the Rose Garden in that kind of naked political fashion. That was not a press conference, as the WH described it. It was a campaign rally disguised as a press conference. It was a bait and switch.”

I don’t entirely disagree with Acosta. It really was more of a campaign rally than anything else and since I’m being honest, it was quite boring. That speech likely would have worked better at an actual campaign rally.

But of all the people to accuse Trump of this, it had to be one of the biggest horses asses in the news media. This guy is the epitome of bait and switch, pretending to be a journalist while really working for the Democrat Party. He and his fake news network love to claim that they are only out for the truth, but we all know that’s a huge load of horse manure. Talk about soiling the industry of news and journalism!

Conservatives on Twitter were quick to point all of this out:

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