President to Jon Karl: I Beat Myself Up Worse Than You OR Ed Henry!

In his press conference yesterday, President Obama was asked by ABC News’ Jonathan Karl what his biggest mistake was in what Karl referred to as “a tough year.” The President responded by singling out only two reporters as those who give him a hard time: Karl, and Fox’s Ed Henry.

“It’s not that I don’t engage in a lot of self-reflection here, I promise I beat myself up even worse than you or Ed Henry does, on any given day, but I’ve also got to wake up in the morning and make sure that I do better the next day.”

It’s difficult to say if this comment is more telling about the President’s thin skin, or the softball relationship the press corps, save for Karl and Henry, have with him.

The administration has been repeatedly accused by press outlets of punishing those who dare offer tough questions to the President or his spokesperson.

From Mediaite:

The comment follows an extended period in which relations between Karl, Henry, and the White House have become increasingly frayed. White House Press Secretary Jay Carney has repeatedly pushed back at both reporters with accusations of impartiality, conspicuously snubbing Henry at one daily briefing, and in a move that many White House Press Corps members attribute to Henry and Karl’s standing with the White House, skipped TV reporters entirely at an October presidential news conference.

Christopher seems to admire Carney’s diffidence and petulance with the press, which is no surprise to anyone. But it should not be of only partisan interest that this administration, “the most open in history”, has a long and growing track record of tamping down dissent and shutting down the press. President Obama is not merely thin-skinned, he is guarded and secretive, and his entire administration reflects that. They long for the days when all anyone wanted to ask him about was sports brackets and George Bush.

Yes, Mr. President, Jon Karl and Ed Henry ask tough questions. It’s kind of their job. Maybe if you were better at yours, it wouldn’t hurt so bad.

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