President Trump ATTACKS both Inspector General and AG Jeff Sessions…

President Trump is attacking both the DOJ Inspector General and his Attorney General Jeff Sessions in this mornings Trump tweetstorm.

First out of the gate is his attack on the Inspector General over his report on the FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton:

This is something I’ve never liked about Trump. He’s impugning the integrity of the impartial Inspector General well before there’s any proof that he’s been nefarious in any way. Trump is simply impatient and doesn’t like the delays, but perhaps they are important to ensuring that the report is accurate! Calm down Trump!

He also rolls the Russian Witch Hunt bus over Jeff Sessions again:

I know Trump is frustrated with this investigation and I can empathize with him. But to publicly attack his AG like this over and over is simply unprofessional and childish. Unless Sessions were to resign, which is perhaps what Trump wants, there is nothing to be done about this.

It would be better for Trump to ask Sessions for his resignation and appoint a new AG than to continually berate him like this before the nation.

Trump also weighs in on the National Anthem being played today at 3pm:

And lastly Trump explained that families being separated at the border is the fault of Democrats:

Trump ends that with “started the wall”. He’s referring to this:

Construction on a section of President Trump’s planned wall along the U.S.-Mexico border began Friday in San Diego, according to local media.

Local news affiliate Fox 8 reported that a section of border wall that features an “anti-climbing plate” will replace about 14 miles of improvised border fencing created from scrap metal.

The section of the wall will begin about a half-mile from the Pacific Ocean, Fox reports, and will stand between 18-30 feet tall.

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