President Trump calls for a 2020 election REDO

In the wake of the news that the FBI suppressed the Hunter Biden Laptop story ahead of the 2020 election, President Trump is now calling for an election redo.

Here’s the comment:

I think at this point there’s no way either of these things are going to happen. It’s too far gone at this point and there simply isn’t the will to do this, no matter how much fraud turns up.

But that said, I can’t blame him for wanting a redo. The FBI clearly had the goods on Hunter Biden and refused to go near it because they didn’t want to see Trump reelected. And I’m sure if they communicated with Facebook to suppress the article, they did the same with Twitter and we ALL remember how that turned out. They blocked the article and the NY Post for initially sharing the article, claiming it was ‘hacked materials’ when it absolutely was not.

The FBI also perpetuated the ‘Russian disinformation’ garbage that was spewed by every one of the garbage news organizations, doing everything they could to keep it from affecting Joe Biden.

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