President Trump promises “shocking” number of illegal ballots in Nevada; Tom Cotton weighs in…

President Trump has been tweeting over the last few minutes about what his campaign is finding in Nevada and elsewhere, promising that the number of illegal ballots they are finding will be shocking:

As you can see, Twitter quickly censored the tweet with their usual “This claim about election fraud is disputed”. Really? How can it be disputed when Trump’s campaign hasn’t even released this evidence yet? Also, it will be disputed in court, but that hasn’t happened yet. So what the heck is Jack Dorsey talking about?

Trump continued with a tweet about Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Georgia

And that’s it for now.

Tom Cotton also weighed in on the President’s legal challenges, saying this is very much worth fighting for:

It’s good to see more Republicans standing with the president on this. As we’ve seen in the past, if Republicans aren’t fighting together it’s much more difficult and they are crazy if they don’t stand with Trump. He’s right!

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