President Trump’s first debate performance was terrible

I really don’t like having to dump on President Trump because I feel like he’s been a solid president and one that I will absolutely vote for in November. But his debate performance tonight was terrible.

Sure, he had some good responses and one-liners against Biden. But it was almost all overshadowed by how much of a bully he was for the entire debate. Trump continually interrupted Biden, refusing to let him answer, and even interrupted Chris Wallace when he was asking questions.

I know there’s a lot of criticism that Wallace is getting and some of it is well deserved. He completely let Biden off the hook for flat out refusing to give an answer on packing the Supreme Court. And when Trump put Biden on the spot about which law enforcement groups support him, Wallace just ended that line of questioning and moved on.

But overall, I felt like Wallace had his hands full just trying to get Trump to stop interrupting every time Biden said something. Honestly, Trump’s continually bullying and belligerent attitude made the debate nearly unwatchable and I’m certain it won’t play well with independents in battleground states who are still trying to figure out which candidate to support.

I think one of the biggest problems from Trump’s performance tonight is that it confirms what many people don’t like about Trump. They don’t like his personality, his angry tweets, and how he insults and attacks people on twitter and even those in his own administration. Tonight that’s exactly what they saw on stage.

There was one moment in the debate that just struck me as mean spirited from Trump. It was when he was attacking Biden for using the word ‘smart’.

“There’s nothing smart about you Joe.” It wasn’t solely what Trump said, but the way he said it. Honestly, he came off as a condescending prick in that moment. I’m sorry, but I just think he handled that very badly.

Look, I don’t mean to leave Biden out. He said some awful things to Trump, including calling him a racist. That’s deplorable. But I really feel like at the end of the day, what people will remember from this debate is that Trump was a relentless bully, and I think that has Biden feeling pretty good right now.

There are still two more debates unless Team Biden cancels them. That’s what I think will happen. Why would Biden want to give Trump a chance to redeem himself?

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