President Vacation can afford to spend the gas on all THIRTY-SIX of these trips. It’s YOUR money, after all.

Biden has been in office for 60 weeks and 3 days. And 36 times he’s taken vacation days up in Delaware. No matter what’s going on. That’s over half the weeks of his time so far.

He’s there again. While inflation is crushing Americans. While Russia and Ukraine are ongoing. While gas is astronomical.

During Trump’s first year the press went insane every time he played golf. They wrote article after article, did CNN report after CNN report. They had talking heads griping and sniping about it, it was on the Sunday talk shows.

Biden is going on full vacation over half the weeks of his term in office and NOT. A. PEEP.

Don’t give Mark Knoller too much credit or (too much grief) for this tweet. He is a bean counter who counts beans. But it’s informative.

President Vacation can afford the gas.

After all, he’s paying with your money.

Consider this an OPEN THREAD.

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