“Purge? What am I, Stalin?” – Arizona House Republican CLASHES with CNN host over validating voter roles

Arizona is seeking to ensure that dead people and voters who have moved away aren’t still on the voter rolls, which is something you’d think would be seen as proper by everyone.

But not to the Democratic CNN host Brianna Keilar, who kept referring to it as some kind of ominous ‘purge’ and accused Arizona House GOP rep Tom Kavanaugh of being dishonest about removing people from the rolls.

But he wasn’t standing for that language or her lies and made sure she knew about it:

Keilar kept making excuses about why the ‘purge’ was wrong, saying that people move away and don’t have forwarding addresses, change phone numbers, change emails, etc.

But Kavanaugh explained that people would only be removed if they haven’t voted in ANY election in the last four years AND don’t respond within three months to any of the queries made to them by officials via mail, email, or phone calls.

Kavanaugh accused Keiler of spinning this to make it sound like a bad thing and then hit her for continually calling it a purge, saying:

“Purge? What am I, Stalin? Come on, don’t be ridiculous. This is why we can’t have reasonable discussions across the political divide, because everybody wants to throw gasoline on what should be a critical intellectual discussion.”

Keiler accused Kavanaugh of being dishonest, saying that he’s talked about quality votes over quantity in the past. But he said that’s the point, that if people don’t want to vote, they shouldn’t have a ballot shoved in front of them, forcing them to be registered to vote against their will.

Keilar then made the dumbest statement, saying ‘their will is to be on that list’. What? How the heck does she know what? The whole point of doing these voter queries is to ensure that someone wants to be on the list. If the haven’t voted in four years and don’t care to respond to the queries about being on the list, then it would seem to me that they don’t give a flying leap about it. And if it truly is their will to be on the list and they get removed by mistake, then they can re-register themselves, problem solved.

It’s amazing the extent that Democrats will go to ensure there’s voter fraud. It’s like an institution to the these people, and like most of their positions, it’s disgusting.

Watch the video for more…

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