Rabid Bette Midler takes a swing at Trump, ignorance makes her slap down Buttigieg instead!

Bette Midler has gotten to the rabid state of Trump Derangement Syndrome, and that’s where your ignorance really shows.

Ugh. Yes, she’s a moron and worth pointing at and laughing, BUT it’s also sad and pathetic that civics studies are so poor in our country that she can’t even muster a good historical insult.

For the record, you nutcase, that’s not what “pack the court” means.

In fact, it’s Pete Buttigieg who wants to “pack the court.” That phrase refers to the insidious policy of trying to subvert the will of the founders by appointing more justices to the Supreme Court than are currently serving in order to gain political power.

Trump didn’t do it, but Buttigieg is literally promising to do it:

Pete Buttigieg, the mayor of South Bend, Indiana, has talked about his plan to overhaul the high court since his first days as a candidate. In short, it calls for expanding the number of justices from nine to 15, with five affiliated with Democrats, five affiliated with Republicans, and five apolitical justices chosen by the first 10.

Sure, he’s pretending that he would do it in an “apolitical” way but why do it at all unless your goal is to dilute conservative and originalist voices on the court?

This characterization by NBC News doesn’t do the history of it justice:

Buttigieg’s preferred plan is a twist on the various “court-packing” proposals for the Supreme Court that have been bandied about for decades, including the failed push by President Franklin D. Roosevelt to add justices in 1937.

FDR’s plan was so controversial that his own party had to defeat the idea because it was unconstitutional.

Nice try, rabid Bette.

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